Website Owner’s Guide

How to Include Calls to Action in your Website Copy

March 1, 2011

Imagine a shopping cart without an ‘add to cart’ option? It would be ridiculous wouldn’t it? Then why do so many websites not even ask for enquiries! A call to action is simply asking someone to do something, such as: fill in an enquiry form complete a questionnaire purchase a […]

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How to use powerful and influential words in your web copy

March 1, 2011

It’s easy to get stuck in a ‘word rut’ where you keep using the same words over and over again. It helps your writing considerably if you vary your copy with an interesting mix of powerful phrases. Unless you are a natural word smith then you will need some help. […]

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Using Personalisation in Website Copy Writing

March 1, 2011

When writing for the web you can afford to be less formal with your language. After all, you are not drafting an annual report or asking for money from your bank manager. So avoid referring to your business in the ‘third person’. Third Person: “Since 1995 Acme Publishing have published […]

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The ‘what’s in it for me’ key to web copy writing

March 1, 2011

What’s in it for me, is the question that everyone is silently asking themselves as they go through the decision making process. You need to answer it. Will you help them save time? Or save money? Or both? Will this improve them as a person? Will it benefit their business? […]

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How to define your Unique Selling Position (USP) Online

March 1, 2011

Your unique selling position (or proposition) is what sets you apart from your competition. So what is your USP? It could be the personalised service you offer, the speed of your delivery, or the depth of your knowledge about a specialist area. Once you have identified your unique selling position […]

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How to motivate people to buy online

March 1, 2011

Before you can sell to someone they have to be motivated to buy. So you need to know what motivates someone to buy your type of product or service. Motivation is stimulated by desire for needs, or for wants. This is pretty simplified, but I believe it is a fair […]

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Quick tips on how to build trust and credibility online

February 22, 2011

Most people will only buy online or make contact with you, if they believe your website is credible and trustworthy. Since you are not face to face, you need to build trust through your words. I once attended a lecture by a Professor involved in an MBA program. He spoke […]

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How to write attention-grabbing website headlines

February 22, 2011

Make your headlines work for you. They should grab attention while also imparting important information. If your site lacks good headlines people won’t take the time to read the body of your text. Headlines need to pull people into your website copy, engaging them and making them want to read […]

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Website copywriting tips and hints

February 21, 2011

Website copy writing adapts traditional writing guidelines to solve some of the problems all web marketers face. Typical challenges faced by website owners include: The back button! One click and your visitor can be gone never to return. People skim read web pages, so information has to be ‘digestible’. People […]

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How to launch your new website

February 18, 2011

Once your website has been proofed, tested, signed off, uploaded and tested again by your web designer, you can launch the website. After all the hard work it is great to see your website go live! But don’t forget to turn your attention to web marketing to make the most […]

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Planning your website updates

February 18, 2011

One of the main reasons why some websites are successful over others is because they regularly update their content. At a minimum try and update your site once a month. Talk to your web designer about having a maintenance contract for your site or look into having a content management […]

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Working out the pages and content your website needs

February 18, 2011

One of the hardest parts of putting together a site is deciding exactly what pages you need and the content that should go onto each page. A lot of this depends upon the purpose of the website and its target audience. Once you have finalised these areas jot down the […]

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