When writing for the web you can afford to be less formal with your language. After all, you are not drafting an annual report or asking for money from your bank manager. So avoid referring to your business in the ‘third person’.
Third Person:
“Since 1995 Acme Publishing have published some of the most widely read magazines about Widget Manufacturing.”
Instead, include ‘we’ in your writing making it ‘first person’.
First Person:
“Since 1995 we have published some of the most widely read magazines about Widget Manufacturing.”
Personalizing your message will help build trust and confidence in your company. So don’t be afraid to use “we” and “our” but remember to relate how your service or product can help your website visitors.
Write as if speaking to one person
It might seem artificial but write as if you are having a conversation with someone. Include “you” and “your” so that it sounds like you are speaking directly to the reader.
Note that this style might not work for every type of company but you will be the best judge of whether it will work for yours.
The next step is to get your visitor to act in the way you want them to. This could be purchasing items you have for sale, signing up for your newsletter, or completing a survey.
This is the call to action…