Make your headlines work for you. They should grab attention while also imparting important information. If your site lacks good headlines people won’t take the time to read the body of your text.
Headlines need to pull people into your website copy, engaging them and making them want to read more. Headlines should create a ‘picture’ in the visitor’s mind. Headlines should also generate a feeling, or reinforce a perceived need or want. They should spark an interest and motivate.
Your headlines must be credible but still interesting. Writing a good headline is a skill that can be developed over time. Study the headlines that you like, and work out what emotion they stirred.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with your headlines to see what works best. Ultimately the goal is to get people to buy from you or contact you, so you may need to refine, test and refine again, until you get the right mix.
Avoid Alliteration at all Avenues!
Ok, a little alliteration is acceptable, but too much can be a little groan inducing!