Planning your website updates

Last Updated on May 31, 2022

One of the main reasons why some websites are successful over others is because they regularly update their content. At a minimum try and update your site once a month. Talk to your web designer about having a maintenance contract for your site or look into having a content management system.

Content management software “CMS” allows you to log into your website through an administration screen and make changes to the page contents through a WYSIWYG editor. There are thousands of CMS options available and selecting the right one can take some time and research.

Determine who’s responsible for website updates

Delegate the job of getting the website updated to a specific person in your company, even if it is just their job to liaise with the web designer.

Frequent updates are one of the key factors to having a successful website. Visitors will come back more and your website will be perceived as being more authoritative. Search engines also check to see how often a website changes.

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