About this Page


I've created this page, as eventually, my goal is to write documentation as a side business (and sell them online as digital downloads). For now, getting any feedback would be really helpful, if you find a document useful, let me know by emailing [email protected]. AND, if you have any requests for other documents, let me know as well.

This page is brand new, so for now, it just has one document on it, but I'll add more going forward.

Cheers, Michelle

Her name is Michelle, and she'd like to WOW you her Web Design skills.

Website Enquiry Email Replies (WordDoc)

Use Case: You’ve received a simple enquiry via your website.
Goal: Reply quickly with confidence, professionalism, and a clear process.
Client status: Pre-Sales: a lead that has come from a basic contact enquiry form.

The reply options include:

  1. Auto Response: This is a quick acknowledgement of the enquiry. You’ll get back to them as soon as possible. Send the email manually or use an automation.
  2. Politely decline: Acknowledge the enquiry, but you are not a good fit due to their lack of budget or a lack of fit with your business (experience, expertise, etc.).
  3. Interested, need more information: Acknowledge the enquiry, show enthusiasm for working together, a good potential fit and request further details (send the prospect to a more detailed enquiry form).
  4. Scheduling of a Zoom call – sent after they’ve completed the project form. Contains information on how to schedule the call via your online calendar.
  5. Thank you for Zoom call – thanks them for their time, and let’s them know the next step is a proposal will be prepared and sent to them.
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