One of the more frustrating aspects of web design has been the lack of support for anything other than ‘web safe’ fonts. Hence the reason why so many websites were initially designed using Times New Roman, Georgia, or Arial (just a few of the most popular web safe font options).
These are tried and true fonts and when used correctly they look great on a website. But if you really wanted to stand out with your typography you needed to use graphics for your headings.
Fortunately, that has now all changed with the introduction of a number of web font services, in particular the very popular Google Web Fonts.
Google Web Fonts currently has a list of 495 font families that you can use on your website. These include serif, sans serif and handwriting fonts.
Adding a Google Web Font to your existing website is straight forward, as the font information simply gets added to a couple of files on your website (a CSS file and an HTML file).
At Web Matters we have been using Google Web Fonts successfully on most of our new projects and it has really made the websites stand out. The other huge benefit to embedding a font rather than using an image, is that the text can be read by a search engine – so you have a better chance of ranking well in the search engines as they can read the text.
If you’d like to spruce up your website with some funky new fonts, then check out Google Web Fonts, and then get in touch with us. We are happy to assist you with amending your current website or providing you with pricing for a new website.
Google Web Fonts are FREE to use are optimised for the web, and are open source.
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