Making the most of your email signature


Is your email signature letting you down? It would have to be one of the most overlooked marketing methods out there. Everyone knows to put contact details in their signature now, but that’s old hat.  To get your email signature really working over time for you, you need to personalise it and include marketing messages.

And it’s not hard to do.  All you need is an HTML file as your signature base. You then import the signature file into Outlook.  You just need to have all of your images online

(we recommend having an email directory on your website for this purpose).

At Web Matters it dawned on us that not everyone knew what we are able to do for them.  Some thought we just did SEO, whereas other clients thought we just did web design. So we added ‘what we can do for you’ into our signatures. Has the signature got us new work? Absolutely, in fact it even got us signature design work! (And yes, we can design your signature for you as well!).

Be sure to include:

  • Contact details
  • Website link
  • Social media links (Facebook, Twitter)
  • Marketing messages

Take a look at the default signature for Michelle as an example.

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